
Intended use

nomela®, a non-invasive diagnostic aid to indicate the probability of melanoma in pigmented skin lesions (moles), is a software medical device installed on single-application iPads applying machine-learning AI to captured images; for use, after training, by medical professionals and intended as an adjunct screening technology in the clinical pathway of the management of suspect lesions.

The nomela® test is contraindicated for lesions which are: smaller than 5mm diameter; obscured by hair, tattoos or scars; in the mouth, eyelid, nailbed, genital and perianal areas; ulcerated; non-pigmented which may be the amelanotic form of melanoma; likely to be basal cell carcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma, Merkel cell tumour.

Use of nomela® is not expected to be restricted by age. No clinical data are available (2023) for use on patients under 16 years of age.


At present (2023) the intended positioning of nomela®, for the management of patients referred on the urgent suspicion of skin cancer clinical pathway, is at triage in secondary care.